Exemplos do corpo de texto para é
1. Other words that imply fine quality are ýëĺ';ŕíňí$';é (elegant), ęŕ÷ĺńňâĺíí$';é (high quality), đĺäę';é (rare) and ';ç$';ńęŕíí$';é (refined, exquisite). Ěîäí$';é (fashionable) and ďđĺńň';ćí$';é (prestigious) are out. Đĺńďĺęňŕáĺëüí$';é (respectable) is in.
2. In Russian, ěîđîç is like a giant: ń';ëüí$';é (powerful), ęđĺďę';é (strong) or even ňđĺńęó÷';é (cracking). In English, cold is biting, bitter or raw.
3. Or rather all the doubles and duals that are conveyed by äâîéíîé, äâîéńňâĺíí$';é and äâîH';ę';é. Of the three, äâîH';ę';é is the most straightforward.
4. You can be plain old, all–purpose óěí$';é (smart, intelligent); the more down to earth đŕçóěí$';é (reasonable, rational, sensible); the quick–witted ńîîáđŕç';ňĺëüí$';é (resourceful, sharp, on the ball); or smart like Solomon –– ěóäđ$';é (wise). You might also be íĺ';ëóď$';é (not stupid) –– one of those wonderful Russian double negatives that can be very high praise indeed.
5. And Řŕëňŕé–'3;îëňŕé shouldn‘t be confused with řŕëH';é–âŕëH';é, which means doing something haphazardly.